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Catan Citadel Rules
Catan Citadel Rules

Citadel Rules


      Past Cruises (Diaries)
      Future Cruises
      Rogues Galleries
   Land Trips
      Diaries (Land Trips)
          Hawai'i - Big Island - 04'01
          Hawai'i - Maui - 05'02
          Hawai'i - Big Island - 04'03
          Hawai'i - Kaua'i - 09'04
          Hawai'i - Big Island - 04'06
          Hawai'i - Maui - 04'06
          Mainland China - 05'07
          Phoenix, Arizona - 12'07
          Greek Isles - 05'08
          Hawai'i - Kaua'i - 09'08
          Hawai'i - Big Island - 09'09
          Hawai'i - Maui - 05'12
          Hawai'i - Big Island - 04'13
          Ireland - 08'13
          Mexico - Cancun 11'13
          France/Belgium/Lux 07'15
          Hawai'i - Big Island - 05'17
          England / Wales - 06'17
          Hawai'i - Big Island - 09'19







3. Build

e) Citadel requires: Brick, Lumber, Wool, Grain & Ore

As time went by, the city inhabitants tired of the constant threat from the barbarians and the robber. What could they do to make their lives easier? The solution was to use some of their surplus resources to improve the fortifications around the city, to make it impervious to the heathens outside of the city, and to make it self-sufficient to ensure continued production. As a result, the city evolved into a citadel. While unable to help protect nearby settlements and cities, the citizens of the citadel were secure within their city walls. The one drawback to the huge fortifications was that the citadel was fixed in size and could not expand to become a metropolis. But this was a small price to pay for the security and peace of mind within the gates. And so, the citizens of the citadel thrived …

  • Each player has only 1 citadel token. Play it wisely!
  • You may only establish a citadel by upgrading one of your existing cities. A sabotaged city may not be upgraded to a citadel until it has been repaired (one lumber and one ore).
  • When you upgrade a city to a citadel, put the city piece back in your supply for later reuse and replace it with the citadel piece. An existing city wall will remain with the citadel, as will any city improvements.
  • A citadel cannot be upgraded to a metropolis. Once a citadel, always a citadel.
  • Citadels produce 3 times as many resources as settlements do. You acquire 3 Resource Cards for an adjacent terrain hex that produces resources (or 2 Resource Cards and 1 related Commodity Card, if applicable, when playing Cities & Knights).
  • A citadel is worth 3 Victory Points (2 for the city within and 1 for the extra fortifications).
  • Citadels qualify for adding one city wall, just like a city or metropolis.
  • Citadels qualify the player to make city improvements, just like a city or metropolis.
  • A citadel is immune to the barbarians. It can never be pillaged by barbarians or sabotaged (by the Saboteur Card). Because barbarians would never attempt to attack a citadel, the citadel is not counted when determining the strength of the barbarian army.
  • A citadel is immune to the robber. If a citadel is adjacent to a resource hex occupied by the robber and the corresponding production number is rolled, the hex still produces resources for the citadel (but not for other settlements, cities or metropolises adjacent to the hex, regardless of who owns them). When the robber is moved to a resource hex adjacent to a citadel, the player owning the citadel is not a candidate to steal a card from UNLESS that player has a settlement, city or metropolis adjacent to the hex in addition to the citadel.
  • When playing with the Harbour Master card, the citadel counts as 3 harbour points if placed on a trading port (harbour).
  • When playing with the Largest Fishing Fleet card, the citadel counts as 3 fleet points if placed on a fishing ground tile or a fishing lake hex.